
Crystal Image

Lattice structure evolution

Structural property summary

  • Single crystal form: dark gray-silver, metallic luster, square/rectangle facets
  • Structure type: layered, tetragonal to orthorhombic distortion (composition dependent)
  • Air sensitivity: relatively stable

Transport Properties

Resistivity- Temperature dependence

  • Non-metallic


Note: Negative MR

Carrier density from Hall effect

Evolution with composition/structure

Magnetic Properties

Magnetization- Temperature dependence for x = 0.3 (largest negative MR)

Note: No antiferromagnetic transition down to 2 K

Magnetization- Magnetic field dependence (out-of-plane field)

Magnetization- Magnetic field dependence (in-plane field)

Specific Heat

Specific Heat (C vs T) for the x = 0.3 sample

The above results are reported in our paper: Acharya, et al, Phys. Rev. B 111, 024421 (2025) 

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