Under review

Sharma et al, “Bulk-surface interaction mediated spin glass state in layered Mn2Sb2Te5”, submitted


135) Y. Li et al, “Observation of Topological Spin Textures in Ferrimagnetic Mn2 – xZnxSb”, Small, accepted

134) M.M. Sharma, S.K. Chhetri a , G. Acharya, D. Graf, D. Upreti, S. Dahal, M. R. U. Nabi, S. Rahman, J. Sakon, H.O.H. Churchill, J. Hu, “Quantum oscillation studies of the nodal line semimetal Ni3In2S2-xSex“, Acta Materialia, 289, 120884 (2025)

133) D. UpretiR. BasnetM.M. SharmaS.K.ChhetriG.Acharya, M.R.U. Nabi, J.Sakon, B. Da, M. Mortazavi, J. Hu, “Tuning Magnetism in Ising-type van der Waals Magnet FePS3 by Lithium Intercalation”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 37, 135805 (2025)

132) G. Acharya, K. Pandey, M. M. Sharma, J. Wang, S.K. Chhetri, M.R.U. Nabi, D. Upreti, R. Basnet, J. Sakon, J. Hu, “Large negative magnetoresistance in the off-stoichiometric topological semimetal PrSbxTe2-x”, Physical Review B, 111, 024421 (2025) [Editors’ suggestion]

131) S.K. Chhetri, G. Acharya, D. Graf, R. Basnet, S. Rahman, M. M. Sharma, D. Upreti, M.R.U. Nabi, S. Kryvyi, J. Sakon, M. Mortazavi, B. Da, H. Churchill, J. Hu, “Large Negative Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnetic Gd2Se3”, Physical Review B, 111, 014431 (2025)



130) Upreti et al, “Medium-entropy Engineering of magnetism in layered antiferromagnet CuxNi2 (1-x) CrxP2S6”, Advanced Functional Materials, accepted, 10.1002/adfm.202418722

129) G. Acharya, B. Neupane, C.-H. Hsu, X.P. Yang, D. Graf, E.S. Choi, K. Pandey, M.R.U. Nabi, S.K. Chhetri, R. Basnet, S. Rahman, J. Wang, Z. Hu, B. Da, H.O.H. Churchill, G. Chang, M.Z. Hasan, Y. Wang, J. Hu, “Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Isotropic Gigantic Magnetoresistance in Layered Magnetic Semiconductors“, Advanced Materials, 36, 2410655 (2024).

128) K. Prasad, D. Upreti, M.R.U. Nabi, R.A. Oppong, F. Wang, M. Shinde, J. Hu, and J. Wang, “Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structures, Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of Bismuthides NdZn0.6Bi2 and (La0.5RE0.5)Zn0.6Bi2(RE=Pr, Nd)“, Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 20257 (2024)

127) R. Basnet, J. Hu, “Understanding and Tuning Magnetism in van der Waals-type Metal Thiophosphates”, Nanoscale, 16, 15851 (2024)

126) N.K. Karn, K. Kumar, N. Kumar, Y. Kumar, M.M. Sharma, Jin Hu, V.P.S. Awana, “Type-II superconductivity at 9K in Pb–Bi alloy”, Solid State Communications 391, 115639 (2024)

125) R. Basnet, D. Upreti, T. T. McCarthy, Z. Ju, A. M. McMinn, M. M. Sharma, Y. Zhang, J. Hu, “Magneto-Transport Study on Sn-Rich Sn1-xGex Thin Films Enabled by CdTe Buffer Layer”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 42, 042210 (2024)

124) D. Baral, R. Basnet, W. R. Scougale, R. Q. Rivlis, D. Upreti, Y. Dahnovsky, J. Hu, T. Chien, “Possible Coexistence of Magnetism and the Paramagnetic singularity in Lightly Fe doped WTe2”, Physical Review B, 109, 245419 (2024)

123) S. K. Chhetri, R. Basnet, J. Wang, K. Pandey, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, D. Upreti, J. Sakon, M. Mortazavi, J. Hu, “Evolution of magnetism in magnetic topological semimetal NdSbxTe2-x+δ”, Physical Review B 109, 184429 (2024)

122) R. Basnet, D. Upreti, T. Patel, S. K. Chhetri, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, J. Sakon, M. Mortazavi, J. Hu, “Field-induced spin polarization in the lightly Cr-substituted layered antiferromagnet NiPS3”, Physical Review B 109, 184405 (2024)

121) M.R.U. Nabi, Y. Li, S. Velthuis, S.K. Chhetri, D. Upreti, R. Basnet, G. Acharya, C. Phatak, J. Hu, “Distinct Composition-Dependent Topological Hall Effect in Mn2-xZnxSb”, Advanced Physics Research, accepted

120) R. Basnet, T. Patel, J. Wang, D. Upreti, S. K. Chhetri, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, J. Sakon, J. Hu, “Understanding and tuning magnetism in layered Ising-type antiferromagnet FePSe3 for potential 2D magnet”, Advanced Electronic Materials, 10, 2300738 (2024)



119) Y. Li, A. R. C. McCray, W. Wang, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, X. Ma, J. Hu, A. Petford-Long, C. Phatak, “Control of skyrmion lattice order in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2”, Proc. SPIE 12656, Spintronics XVI , 1265606 (2023)

118) H. Stanchu, A. Said, O. Olorunsola, S. Acharya, S. Amoah, M. Zamani-Alavijeh, F. M. de Oliveira, S. K. Chhetri, Jin Hu, Y. I. Mazur, S.-Q. Yu, G. Salamo, “Role of dislocations on Sn diffusion during low temperature annealing of GeSn layers”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 41, 052208 (2023)

117) S. Acharya, K. Pandey, R. Basnet, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, J. Wang, J. Hu, “Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of Topological Semimetal ZrSnTe”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 968, 171903 (2023)

116) M.R.U Nabi, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, S. K. Chhetri, D. Upreti, G. Acharya, F. Wang, A. Fereidouni, H.O.H. Churchill, Y. Guan, Z. Mao, J. Hu, “Coupling between Magnetic and Transport Properties in Magnetic Layered Material Mn2-xZnxSb”, Acta Materialia, 259, 119251 (2023)

115) B. Da, L. Cheng, X. Liu, K. Shigeto, K. Tsukagoshi, T. Nabatame, Z. Ding, Y. Sun, J. Hu, J. Liu, D. Tang, H. Zhang, Z. Gao, H. Guo, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanum, “Cylindrically symmetric rotating crystals observed in crystallization process of InSiO film”, STAM Methods, 3, 2230870 (2023)

114) Y. Li, X. Hu, A. Fereidouni, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Wen, Y. Liu, H. Zheng, H. O. H. Churchill, J. Hu, A. K. Petford-Long and C. Phatak, “Visualizing the Effect of Oxidation on Magnetic Domain Behavior of Nanoscale Fe3GeTe2 for Applications in Spintronics”, ACS Applied Nano Material 6, 4390(2023)

113) F. Mazzola, B. Ghosh, J. Fujii, G. Acharya, D. Mondal, G. Rossi, A. Bansil, D. Farias, J. Hu, A. Agarwal, A. Politano and I. Vobornik, “Discovery of a Magnetic Dirac System with a Large Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall Effect”, Nano Letters, 23, 902 (2023)



112) K. Pandey, L. Sayler, R. Basnet, J. Sakon, S. Guo, F. Wang, J. Hu, “Crystal Growth and Electronic Properties of LaSbSe”, Crystals, 2, 1663 (2022)

111) C. Cropek, V. Nguyen, S. Karki Chhetri, J. Hu, S. Guo, J. Wang, “Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structures, Nonlinear Optical Properties, and Magnetic Properties of Two Thiophosphates: KInP2S7 and KCrP2S7”, Crystals, 12, 1505 (2022)

110) A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Hu, D. Phelan, X. Ma, A. K. Petford-Long, C. Phatak, “Thermal Hysteresis and Ordering Behavior of Magnetic Skyrmion Lattices”, Nano Letters 22, 7804 (2022)

109) A. Fereidouni, M. H. Doha, K. Pandey, R. Basnet, J. Hu, and H. O. H. Churchill, “Enhancement of 2D topological semimetal transport properties by current annealing”, Applied Physics Letters 121, 113101 (2022)

108) R. Basnet, D. Ford, K. TenBarge, J. Lochala and J. Hu, “Emergence of Ferrimagnetism in Li-intercalated NiPS3”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34 434002 (2022). [Invited paper for a special issue]

107) Y. Tan, T. Zhang, T. Zou, A.M. dos Santos, J. Hu, D.-X. Yao, Z.Q. Mao, X. Ke, and W. Ku, “Unusually stronger quantum fluctuation with larger spins: Novel phenomena revealed by emergent magnetism in pressurized high-temperature superconductor FeSe”, Physical Review Research, 4, 033115 (2022)

106) R. Basnet, K. Kotur, M. Rybak, C. Stephenson, S. Bishop, C. Autieri, M. Birowska, J. Hu, “Controlling magnetic exchange and anisotropy by non-magnetic ligand substitution in layered MPX3 (M = Ni, Mn; X = S, Se)”, Physical Review Research, 4, 023256 (2022)

105) M. Pan, Q. Bian, S. Li, A.Luo, Z. Zhang, J. Hu, Y.L. Zhu, Z. Shao, H. Sun, Z. Cheng, Z.Q. Mao, and G. Xu, “Visualizing discrete Fermi surfaces and possible nodal-line to Weyl state evolution in ZrSiTe”, npj Quantum Materials, 7, 55 (2022)

104) B. Da, X. Liu, J.M. Gong, Z.H. Zhang, Z.J. Ding, N.T. Cuong, J. Hu, J.W. Liu, Z.S. Gao, H.X. Guo, H.X. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Harada, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma, “Emitted secondary Electrons: In vacuo plasmon energy gain observation using a Three-Point probe method”, Applied Surface Science, 596, 153616 (2022)

103) Y. Li, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Hu, W. Wang, X. Ma, A.R.C. McCray, A.K. Petford-Long, C. Phatak, “Field-Dependent Magnetic Domain Behavior in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2”, JOM 74, 2310 (2022)

102) K. Pandey, R. Basnet, J. Wang, B. Da, J. Hu, “Evolution of Electronic and Magnetic Properties in Topological Semimetal SmSbxTe2-x”, Physical Review B 105, 155139 (2022)



101) B. Qian, J. Y. Liu, F. M. Zhang, F. J. Kong, W. Zhou, Q. C. Gu, Y. Fang, Z. D. Han, X. F. Jiang, Y. L. Zhu, Y. Wang, J. Hu, and Z. Q. Mao, “Coupled electronic and magnetic relaxation in Fe1+y Te: direct evidence for the interaction between itinerant carriers and local moments”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 025601 (2021)

100)  M.R.U. Nabi, A. Wegner, F. Wang, Y. Zhu, Y. Guan, A. Fereidouni, K. Pandey, R. Basnet, G. Acharya, H.O.H. Churchill, Z. Mao, and J. Hu, “Giant topological Hall effect in centrosymmetric tetragonal Mn2-xZnxSb”, Physical Review B,104, 174419 (2021)

99)  Z. Ye, W. Peng, F. Wang, A. Balodhi, R. Basnet, J. Hu, A. Zevalkink, J. Wang, “Quasi-layered Crystal Structure Coupled with Point Defects Leading to Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity in n-type Cu2.83Bi10Se16”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4, 11325 (2021)

98)  K. Pandey, D. Mondal, J. W. Villanova, J. Roll, R. Basnet, A. Wegner, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, B. Ghosh, J. Fujii, J. Wang, B. Da, A. Agarwal, I. Vobornik, A. Politano, S. Barraza-Lopez, and J. Hu, “Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTe”, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 10, 2100063 (2021) [featured as cover article]

97)  R. Basnet, T. T. McCarthy, Z. Ju, Y. -H. Zhang, S. -Q. Yu and J. Hu, “Electronic Properties of Group-IV SnGe alloy topological quantum materials”, 2021 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM)

96)  B. Ji, K. Pandey, C.P. Harmer, F. Wang, K. Wu, J. Hu, J. Wang, “Centrosymmetric or Noncentrosymmetric? Transition Metals Talking in K2TGe3S8(T=Co, Fe)” Inorganic Chemistry, 60, 10603 (2021)

95)  S. H. Lee, D. Graf, L. Min, Y. Zhu, H. Yi, S. Ciocys, Y. Wang, E. S. Choi, R. Basnet, A. Fereidouni, A. Wegner, Y.-F. Zhao, K. Verlinde, J. He, D. Graf, R. Redwing, V. Gopalan, H. O. H. Churchill, A. Lanzara, N. Samarth, C.-Z. Chang, J. Hu, and Z.Q. Mao, “Evidence for a Magnetic-Field induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator Mn(Bi1-xSbx)2Te4” Physical Review X, 11, 031032 (2021)

94)  R. Basnet, A. Wegner, K. Pandey, S. Storment, J. Hu, “Highly sensitive spin-flop transition in antiferromagnetic van-der Waals material MPS3 (M = Ni and Mn)” Physical Review Materials, 5, 064413 (2021)

93)  J.Y. Liu, J.B. Yu, J.L. Ning, L.X. Miao, A. Kleyser, L.J. Min, Y.L. Zhu, H.M. Yi, T. Pillsbury, Y. B. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Hu, H.B. Cao, F. Balakirev, F. Weickert, M. Jaime, K. Yang, J.W. Sun, N. Alem, V. Gopalan, C.Z. Chang, N. Samarth, J. Jain, C.X. Liu, R.D. Mcdonald and Z.Q. Mao, “Spin-valley locking and bulk quantum Hall effect in a noncentrosymmetric Dirac semimetal BaMnSb2” Nature Communications, 12, 4062 (2021)

92)  X. Liu, C. Yue, S.V. Erohin, Y. Zhu, A. Joshy, J. Liu, A. M. Sanchez, D. Graf, P.B. Sorokin, Z. Mao, J. Hu, J. Wei, “Quantum transport of the 2D surface state in a nonsymmorphic semimetal” Nano Letters, 21, 4887 (2021) [featured as cover article]

91)  Q. Wan, T. Y. Yang, S. Li, M. Yang, Z. Zhu, C. L. Wu, C. Peng, S. K. Mo, W. K. Wu, Z. H. Chen, Y. B. Huang, L. L. Lev, V. N. Strocov, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, Hao Zheng, J. F. Jia, Y. G. Shi, Shengyuan A. Yang, and N. Xu, “Inherited weak topological insulator signatures in the topological hourglass semimetal Nb3XTe6 (X = Si, Ge)” Physical Review B, 103, 165107 (2021)

90)  Y. Yang, H. Xing, G. Tang, C. Hua, C. Yao, X. Yan, Y. Lu, J. Hu, Z. Mao, and Y. Liu, “Anisotropic Berry phase in the Dirac nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS: The effect of spin-orbit coupling” Physical Review B, 103, 125160 (2021)

89)  Y. Zhu, J. Hu, D. Graf, X. Gui, W. Xie, and Z. Mao, “Quasi-two-dimensional relativistic fermions probed by de Haas–van Alphen quantum oscillations in LuSn2” Physical Review B, 103, 125109 (2021)

88)  L. H. Yang, B. Da, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma, J. Hu, J. W. Liu, D. M. Tang, and Z. J. Ding, “Low-energy electron inelastic mean free path and elastic mean free path of graphene” Applied Physics Letters, 118, 053104 (2021)



87)  Y. Wang, J. Balgley, E. Gerber, M. Gray, N. Kumar, X. Lu, J.-Q. Yan, A. Fereidouni, R. Basnet, S. J. Yun, D. Suri, H. Kitadai, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. Ling, J. Moodera, Y. H. Lee, H. O. H. Churchill, J. Hu, L. Yang, E.-A. Kim, D. G. Mandrus, E. A. Henriksen, and K. S. Burch, “Modulation Doping via a Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystalline Acceptor” Nano Letters, 20, 8446 (2020)

86)  Y. Wu, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Wang, Y.L. Zhu, J. Hu, G. Yin, K. Wong, C. Fang, C. Wan, X. Han, Q. Shao, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J. Zang, Z. Mao, X. Zhang, and K.L. Wang, “Néel-type skyrmion in WTe2/Fe3GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructure” Nature Communications, 11, 3860 (2020)

85)  A. McCreary, T. Mai, F. Utermohlen, J. Simpson, K. Garrity, X. Feng, D. Shcherbakov, Y. Zhu, J. Hu, D. Weber, T. Taniguchi, J. Goldberger, Z. Mao, C. N. Lau, Y. Lu, N. Trivedi, R. Valdés Aguilar, and A. R. Hight Walker, “Distinct magneto-Raman signatures of spin-flip phase transition in CrI3” Nature Communications, 11, 3879 (2020)

84)  K. Pandey, R. Basnet, A. Wegner, G. Acharya, M. R. U. Nabi, J. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Takahashi, B. Da, and J. Hu, “Electronic and magnetic properties of the topological semimetal candidate NdSbTe”. Physical Review B, 101, 235161 (2020)

83)  S. Davari, J. Stacy, A. M. Mercado, J. D. Tull, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Hu, and H. O. H. Churchill, “Gate-defined, accumulation mode quantum dots in monolayer and bilayer WSe2”. Physical Review Applied, 13, 054058 (2020)

82)  B. Da, Y. Sun, Z. Hou, J. Liu, N.T. Cuong, K. Tsukagoshi, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma, J. Hu, Z. Gao, Z. Ding, “Measurement of the low-energy electron inelastic mean free path in monolayer graphene”. Physical Review Applied, 13, 044055 (2020)

81)  Y. Shao, A. N. Rudenko, J. Hu, Z. Sun, Y. Zhu, S. Moon, A. J. Millis, S. Yuan, A. I. Lichtenstein, D. Smirnov, Z. Q. Mao, M. I. Katsnelson and D. N. Basov, “Electronic Correlations in Nodal-line Semimetals”. Nature Physics, 16, 636 (2020)

80)  M. Krottenmüller, M. Vöst, N. Unglert, J. Ebad-Allah, G. Eickerling, D. Volkmer, J. Hu, Y. L. Zhu, Z. Mao, W. Scherer, and C. A. Kuntscher, “Indications for Lifshitz transitions in the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe induced by interlayer interaction”. Physical Review B, 101, 081108(R) (2020)

79)  Y. Zhu, X. Gui, Y. Wang, D. Graf, W. Xie, J. Hu, Z. Mao, “Evidence from transport measurements for YRh6Ge4 being a triply degenerate nodal semimetal”. Physical Review B, 101, 035133 (2020)

78)  T. Y. Yang, Q. Wan, D. Y. Yan, Z. Zhu, Z. W. Wang, C. Peng, Y. B. Huang, R. Yu, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, S. Li, S.A. Yang, H. Zheng, J.-F. Jia, Y.G. Shi, and N. Xu, “Directional massless Dirac fermions in layered van der Waals material with one-dimensional long-range order”. Nature Materials, 19, 27 (2020)



77)  C. C. Gu, J. Hu, X. L. Chen, Z. P. Guo, B. T. Fu, Y. H. Zhou, C. An, Y. Zhou, R. R. Zhang, C. Y. Xi, Q. Y. Gu, C. Park, H. Y. Shu, W. G. Yang, L. Pi, Y. H. Zhang, Y. G. Yao, Z. R. Yang, J. H. Zhou, J. Sun, Z. Q. Mao, and M. L. Tian, “Experimental evidence of crystal symmetry protection for the topological nodal line semimetal state in ZrSiS”. Physical Review B, 100, 205124 (2019)

76)  R. Basnet, M. H. Doha, T. Hironaka, K. Pandey, S. Davari, K.M. Welch, H. O. H. Churchill, J. Hu, “Growth and Strain Engineering of Trigonal Te for Topological Quantum Phases in Nonsymmorphic Chiral Crystals”. Crystals, 9, 486 (2019)

75)  B. Da, J. Liu, Y. Harada, N. Cuong, K. Tsukagoshi, J. Hu, Z. Ding, L. Yang, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma. “Observation of Plasmon Energy Gain for Emitted Secondary Electron in Vacuo”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 5770 (2019)

74)  W. Gao, X. Zhu, J. Hu, F. Zheng, H. Zhang, M. Wu, G. Zheng, N. Hao, P. Zhang, W. Ning, M. Tian, “de Haas-van Alphen study on three-dimensional topological semimetal pyrite PtBi2”. Science Bulletin, 64, 1496 (2019)

73)  D.W. Tam, H.-H. Lai, J. Hu, X. Lu, H.C. Walker, D.L. Abernathy, J.L. Niedziela, T. Weber, M. Enderle, Y. Su, Z.Q. Mao, Q. Si, and P. Dai, “Plaquette instability competing with bicollinear ground state in detwinned FeTe”. Physical Review B, 100, 054405 (2019)

72)  S. H. Lee, Y. Zhu, Y. Wang, L. Miao, H. Yi, T. Pillsbury, S. Kempinger, J. Hu, C.A. Heikes, P.A. Quarterman, W. Ratcliff, J.A. Borchers, H. Zhang, X. Ke, D. Graf, N. Alem, C-Z Chang, N. Samarth and Z. Mao, “Spin Scattering and Noncollinear Spin Structure-Induced Intrinsic Anomalous Hall effect in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4”. Physical Review Research, 1, 012011(R) (2019)

71)  J. Ebad-Allah, M. Krottenmüller, J. Hu, Y. L. Zhu, Z. Q. Mao, and C. A. Kuntscher, “Infrared spectroscopy study of the nodal-line semimetal candidate ZrSiTe under pressure: Hints for pressure-induced phase transitions”. Physical Review B, 99, 245133 (2019)

70)   J. Hu, S. Y. Xu, N. N, and Z. Mao, “Transport of Topological Semimetals”. Annual Review of Materials Research 100, 054405 (2019) [invited review article]

69)   Y. Zhu, J. Hu, F. N. Womack, D. Graf, P.W. Adams and Z. Mao, “Emergence of intrinsic superconductivity below 1.178 K in the topologically non-trivial semimetal state of CaSn3”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 245703 (2019)

68)   J. Ebad-Allah, J. Fernandez Afonso, M. Krottenmuller, J. Hu, Y. L. Zhu, Z. Mao, J. Kunes and C. A. Kuntscher, “Chemical pressure effect on the optical conductivity of the nodal-line semimetals ZrXY with X=Si, Ge and Y =S, Se, Te”. Physical Review B, 99, 125154 (2019)

67)   D.W. Boukhvalov, R. Edla, A. Cupolillo, V. Fabio, R. Sankar, Y. Zhu, Z. Mao, J. Hu, P. Torelli, G. Chiarello, L. Ottaviano, A. Politano, “Surface Instability and Chemical Reactivity of ZrSiS and ZrSiSe Nodal‐Line Semimetals”. Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1900438 (2019)

66)   J.P. Thompson, M.H. Doha, P. Murphy, J. Hu, H.O.H. Churchill, “Exfoliation and Analysis of Large-area, Air-Sensitive Two-Dimensional Materials”. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 143, e58693 (2019)

65)   M. Pan, H. Yuan, X. Zhou, Y. Cao, Q. Bian, Z. Zhang, H. Sun, S. Li, Z. Shao, J. Hu, Y. Zhu, Z. Mao, and W. Ji, “Raman detection of hidden phonons assisted by atomic point defects in a two-dimensional semimetal”. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 3, 12 (2019)


64)   J. Liu, A.T. Savici, G.E. Granroth, K. Habicht, Y. Qiu, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, W. Bao, “A Triplet Resonance in Superconducting Fe1.03Se0.4Te0.6”. Chinese Physics Letters 35, 127401 (2018)

63)   Y. Zhu, T. Zhang, J. Hu, J. Kidd, D. Graf, X. Gui, W. Xie, M. Zhu, X. Ke, H. Cao, Z. Fang, H. Weng and Z. Mao. “Multiple topologically non-trivial bands in non-centrosymmetric YSn2”. Physical Review B, 98, 035117 (2018)

62)   G. Nicotra, E. van Veen, I. Deretsis, L. Wang, J. Hu, Z. Mao, V. Fabio, C. Spinella, G. Chiarello, A. Rudenko, S. Yuan, A. Politano. “Anisotropic ultraviolet-plasmon dispersion in black phosphorus”. Nanoscale, 10, 21918-21927 (2018)

61)   L. An, H. Zhang, J. Hu, X. Zhu, W. Gao, J. Zhang, C. Xi, W. Ning, Z. Mao, and M. Tian, “Magnetoresistance and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in layered Nb3SiTe6 thin flakes”. Physical Review B, 97, 235133 (2018)

60)   D. Iaia, G. Chang, T.-R. Chang, J. Hu, Z. Mao, H. Lin, S. Yan, V. Madhavan. “Searching for topological Fermi arcs via quasiparticle interference on a type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2”. npj Quantum Materials, 3, 38 (2018)

59)   T. -W. Hsieh, T. Zou, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, P. P. Zhang, and X. Ke, “Thickness evolution of transport properties in exfoliated Fe1+yTe nanoflakes”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 295303 (2018)

58)   D. Shcherbakov, P. Stepanov, D. Weber, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Hu, Y. Zhu, Z. Mao, J. Goldberger, M. Bockrath, C.N. Lau, “Photocatalytic Degradation and Stabilization of Atomically Thin Chromium Triiodide”. Nano Letters, 18, 4214 (2018)

57)   J. Hu, Y. Zhu, D. Graf, Z. Tang, Z. Mao, “Quantum oscillation evidence of topological semimetal phase in ZrSnTe”; Physical Review B, 97, 155101 (2018) 

56)   F. Arnold, J. Warmuth, M. Michiardi, J. Fikácek, M. Bianchi, J. Hu, Z. Mao, J. Miwa, M. Bremholm, R. Wiesendanger, J. Honolka, T. Wehling, J. Wiebe, and P. Hofmann. “Electronic Structure of Fe1.08Te bulk crystals and epitaxial FeTe thin films on Bi2Te3”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 065502 (2018)

2009-2017 (Prior UA)

55)   J.Y. Liu, J. Hu, D. Graf, T. Zou, M. Zhu, Y. Shi, S. Che, S.M.A. Radmanesh, C.N. Lau, L. Spinu, H.B. Cao, X. Ke and Z.Q. Mao, “Unusual interlayer quantum transport behavior caused by the zeroth Landau level in YbMnBi2”, Nature Communications, 8, 646 (2017) 

54)   J.Y. Liu, J. Hu, Q. Zhang, D. Graf, H.B. Cao, S.M.A. Radmanesh, D.J. Adams, Y.L. Zhu, G.F. Cheng, X. Liu, W.A. Phelan, J. Wei, M. Jaime, F. Balakirev, D.A. Tennant, J.F. DiTusa, I. Chiorescu, L. Spinu, Z.Q. Mao, “A magnetic topological semimetal Sr1-yMn1-z Sb2 (y, z < 0.10)”. Nature Materials, 16, 905 (2017) 

53)  G. Long, T. Zhang, X. Cai, J. Hu, C.-w. Cho, S. Xu, J. Shen, Z. Wu, T. Han, J. Lin, J. Wang, Y. Cai, R. Lortz, Z. Mao, and N. Wang, “Isolation and Characterization of Few-Layer Manganese Thiophosphite”. ACS Nano, 11, 11330 (2017)

52)  C.-L. Wang, Y. Zhang, J.-W. Huang, G.-D. Liu, A.-J. Liang, Y.-X. Zhang, B. Shen, J. Liu, C. Hu, Y. Ding, D.-F. Liu, Y. Hu, S.-L. He, L. Zhao, L. Yu, J. Hu, J. Wei, Z. Q. Mao, Y.-G. Shi, X.-W. Jia, F.-F. Zhang, S.-J. Zhang, F. Yang, Z.-M. Wang, Q.-J. Peng, Z.-Y. Xu, C.-T. Chen, and X.-J. Zhou, “Evidence of Electron-Hole Imbalance in WTe2 from High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy”. Chinese Physics Letters, 34, 097305 (2017)

51)   M. Einaga, K. Shimizu, J. Hu, Z.Q. Mao, and A. Politano, “Resistivity of Weyl semimetals NbP and TaP under pressure”. Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 11, 1700182 (2017)

50)  J. Hu, Z. Tang, J. Liu, Y. Zhu, J. Wei, and Z. Mao, “Nearly massless Dirac fermions and strong Zeeman splitting in nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS probed by dHvA quantum oscillations”, Physical Review B (Editors’ suggestions), 96, 045127 (2017)

49)  W. Ning, F. Kong, J. Hu, Y. Han, J. Yang, H. Du, Y. Zhang, and M. Tian, “Large linear magnetoresistance in a bismuth nanoribbon”, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 123101 (2017).

48)   J. Hu, Y.L. Zhu, D. Graf, Z.J. Tang, J.Y. Liu, Z.Q. Mao, “Quantum oscillation studies of topological semimetal candidate ZrGeM (M=S, Se, Te)”. Physical Review B, 95, 205134 (2017)

47)  T. Hänke, U. R. Singh, L. Cornils, S. Manna, A. Kamlapure, M. Bremholm, E. M. J. Hedegaard, B. B. Iversen, P. Hofmann, J. Hu, Z. Mao, J. Wiebe, and R. Wiesendanger, “Reorientation of the bicollinear antiferromagnetic structure at the surface of Fe1+yTe bulk and thin films”. Nature Communications, 8, 13939 (2017)

46)  C. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, S. Nie, G. Liu, A. Liang, Y. Zhang, B. Shen, J. Liu, C. Hu, Y. Ding, D. Liu, Y. Hu, S. He, L. Zhao, L. Yu, J. Hu, J. Wei, Z. Mao, Y. Shi, X. Jia, F. Zhang, S. Zhang, F. Yang, Z. Wang, Q. Peng, H. Weng, X. Dai, Z. Fang, Z. Xu, C. Chen, and X. J. Zhou, “Observation of Fermi arc and its connection with bulk states in the candidate type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2”. Physical Review B, 94, 241119(R) (2016)

45)  G. Nicotra, A. Politano, A. M. Mio, I. Deretzis, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, J. Wei, A. La Magna, and C. Spinella, “Absorption edges of black phosphorus: a comparative analysis”. Physica Status Solidi B, 253, 2509 (2016)

44)  X. Liu, J. Liu, L. Y. Antipina, J. Hu, C. Yue, A. M. Sanchez, P. B. Sorokin, Z. Mao, and J. Wei, “Direct Fabrication of Functional Ultrathin Single-Crystal Nanowires from Quasi-One-Dimensional van der Waals Crystals”. Nano Letters, 16, 6188 (2016)

43)  F. Ye, J. Lee, J. Hu, Z. Mao, J. Wei, and P. X. L. Feng, “Environmental Instability and Degradation of Single- and Few-Layer WTe2Nano sheets in Ambient Conditions”. Small, 12, 5802 (2016)

42)  J. Liu, J. Hu, H. Cao, Y. Zhu, A. Chuang, D. Graf, D. J. Adams, S. M. A. Radmanesh, L. Spinu, I. Chiorescu, and Z. Mao, “Nearly Massless Dirac fermions hosted by Sb square net in BaMnSb2”. Scientific Reports, 6, 30525 (2016)

41)   A. Politan, A. Cupolillo, M. S. Vitiello, J. Hu, J. Wei, Z.Q. Mao, G. Chiarello, and D. W. Boukhvalov, “Unusually strong lateral interactions in the CO overlayer on phosphorene-based systems”. Nano Research, 9, 2598 (2016)

40)  L. Viti, J. Hu, D. Coquillat, A. Politano, C. Consejo, W. Knap, and S. Vitiello Miriam, “Heterostructured hBN-BP-hBN Nanodetectors at Terahertz Frequencies”. Advanced Materials, 28, 7390 (2016)

39)  J. Peng, J. Y. Liu, X. Gu, G. Zhou, W. Wang, J. Hu, F. M. Zhang, and X. S. Wu, “Extremely large electronic anisotropy caused by electronic phase separation in Ti-doped Ca3Ru2O7”. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 245004 (2016)

38)   J. Peng, J. Hu, X. Gu, G. Zhou, J. Liu, F. Zhang, and X. Wu, “Normal and inverse bulk spin valve effect in single crystal ruthenates”. Applied Physics Letters 108, 162402 (2016)

37)  J. Lee, F. Ye, Z. Wang, R. Yang, J. Hu, Z. Mao, J. Wei, and P. X. L. Feng, “Single- and few-Layer WTe2 Suspended Nanostructures: Raman Signatures and Nanomechanical Resonances”. Nanoscale 8, 7854 (2016)

36)  L. Viti, J. Hu, D. Coquillat, A. Politano, W. Knap, and M. S. Vitiello, “Efficient Terahertz detection in black-phosphorus nano transistors with selective and controllable plasmonic, bolometric and thermoelectric response”. Scientific Reports 6, 20474 (2016).

35)   J. Hu, Z. Tang, J. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Zhu, D. Graf, K. Myhro, S. Tran, C.N. Lau, J. Wei and Z. Mao, “Evidence of Topological nodal-line fermions in ZrSiSe and ZrSiTe”. Physical Review Letters (Editors’ suggestions), 117, 016602 (2016)

34)   J. Peng, J.Y. Liu, J. Hu, Z.Q. Mao and X. S. Wu “Magnetic phase separation in double layer ruthenates Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7”. Scientific Reports 6, 19462 (2016)

33)  C. Yue, J. Hu, X. Liu, A. M. Sanchez, Z. Mao, and J. Wei, “Nano-scale inhomogeneous Superconductivity in Fe(Te1-xSex) probed by nano structure-transport” ACS Nano 10, 429 (2016) 

32)   J. Hu, J.Y. Liu, D. Graf, S.M.A. Radmanesh, D.J. Adams, A. Chuang, Y. Wang, I. Chiorescu, J. Wei, L. Spinu, Z.Q. Mao, “π Berry phase and Zeeman splitting of Weyl semimetal TaP”. Scientific Reports 6, 18674 (2016)

31)   Z. K. Liu, M. Yi, Y. Zhang, J. Hu, R. Yu, J. -X. Zhu, R. -H. He, Y. L. Chen, M. Hashimoto, R. G. Moore, S. -K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Q. Si, Z. Q. Mao, D. H. Lu, Z. X. Shen. “Experimental observation of incoherent-coherent crossover and orbital-dependent band renormalization in iron chalcogenide superconductors”. Physical Review B 92, 235138 (2015)

30)  G. Nicotra, A. M. Mio, A. Cupolillo, J. Hu, J. Wei, Z. Mao, I. Deretzis, A. Politano, and C. Spinella, “STEM and EELS Investigation on Black Phosphorus at Atomic Resolution”. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21, 427 (2015)

29)   Y. L. Wang, L. R. Thoutam, Z. L. Xiao, J. Hu, S. Das, Z. Q. Mao, J. Wei, R. Divan, A. Luican-Mayer, G. W. Crabtree, and W. K. Kwok, “Origin of the turn-on temperature behavior in WTe2”. Physical Review B 92 180402(R) (2015)

28)  L. Viti, J. Hu, D. Coquillat, W. Knap, A. Tredicucci, A. Politano, and S. Vitiello Miriam, “Black-phosphorus Terahertz photodetectors”. Advanced Materials 27, 5567 (2015)

27)   P. L. Cai, J. Hu, L. P. He, J. Pan, X. C. Hong, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Wei, Z. Q. Mao, S. Y. Li. “Drastic Pressure Effect on the Extremely Large Magnetoresistance in WTe2: Quantum Oscillation Study”. Physical Review Letters 115, 057202 (2015)

26)   M. Yi, Z.-K. Liu, Y. Zhang, R. Yu, J.-X. Zhu, J. J. Lee, R. G. Moore, F. T. Schmitt, W. Li, S. C. Riggs, J.-H. Chu, B. Lv, J. HuT. J. Liu, M. Hashimot, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Z. Q. Mao, C. W. Chu, I. R. Fisher, Q. Si, Z.-X. Shen, and D. H. Lu. “Observation of universal strong orbital-dependent correlation effects in iron chalcogenides”. Nature Communications 6, 7777 (2015)

25)  N. Gillgren, D. Wickramaratne, Y. Shi, T. Espiritu, J. Yang, J. Hu, J. Wei, X. Liu, Z. Mao, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Bockrath, Y. Barlas, R.K. Lake, and C.N. Lau. “Gate tunable quantum oscillations in air-stable and high mobility few-layer phosphorene heterostructures”. 2D Materials 2, 011001 (2015)

24)   J. Hu, X. Liu, C.L. Yue, J.Y. Liu, H.W. Zhu, J. B. He, J. Wei, Z.Q. Mao, L.Yu. Antipina, Z.I. Popov, P.B. Sorokin, T.J. Liu, P.W. Adams, S.M.A Radmanesh, L. Spinu, H. Ji and D. Natelson. “Enhanced Electron Coherence in Atomically Thin Nb3SiTe6”. Nature Physics 11, 471 (2015)

23)  M. Zhu, G. H. Aryal, N. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Su, R. Schmehl, X. Liu, J. Hu, J. Wei, and J. Jayawickramarajah, “Host-guest interactions derived multilayer perylene diimide thin film constructed on a scaffolding porphyrin monolayer”. Langmuir 31, 578 (2015)

22)   B. Qian, J. Hu, J. Liu, Z. Han, P. Zhang, L. Guo, X. Jiang, T. Zou, M. Zhu, C. R. Dela Cruz, X. Ke, and Z. Q. Mao, “Weak ferromagnetism of CuxFe1+yAs and its evolution with Co doping”. Physical Review B 91, 014504 (2015)

21)   J. Leiner, V. Thampy, A. D. Christianson, D. L. Abernathy, M. B. Stone, M. D. Lumsden, A. S. Sefat, B. C. Sales, J. Hu, Z. Mao, W. Bao, and C. Broholm. “Modified magnetism within the coherence volume of superconducting Fe1+δSexTe1−x”. Physical Review B 90, 100501(R) (2014)

20)  X. Liu, J. Hu, C. Yue, N. Della Fera, Y. Ling, Z. Mao, and J. Wei. “High Performance Field-Effect Transistor Based on Multilayer Tungsten Disulfide”. ACS Nano 8, 10396 (2014)

19)   J. Hu, J.Y. Liu and  Z. Q. Mao. “Spin–orbit coupling and weak antilocalization in the thermoelectric material b-K2Bi8Se13”. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 095801(2014)

18)   J.E. Ortmann, J. Y. Liu, J. Hu, M. Zhu, J. Peng, M. Matsuda, X. Ke and  Z. Q. Mao. “Competition Between Antiferromagnetism and Ferromagnetism in Sr2RuO4Probed by Mn and Co Doping”. Scientific Reports 3, 2950 (2013)

17)  P. Silwal, L. Miao, J. Hu, L. Spinu, D. H. Kim, and D. Talbayev. “Thickness dependent structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of the epitaxial films of transparent conducting oxide NiCo2O4”. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 103704 (2013)

16)  L. Miao, W. Zhang, P. Silwal, X. Zhou, I. Stern, T. Liu, J. Peng, J. Hu, D. H. Kim, and Z. Q. Mao “Epitaxial strain effect on transport properties in Ca2−xSrxRuO4 thin films”. Physical Review B 88, 115102 (2013)

15)  A. Diaconu, C. Martin, J. Hu, T. Liu, B. Qian, Z. Mao, and L. Spinu, “Possible nodal superconducting gap in Fe1+y(Te1−xSex) single crystals from ultralow temperature penetration depth measurements”. Physical Review B 88, 104502 (2013)

14)  J. Hu, T.J. Liu, B. Qian, and Z.Q. Mao. “Coupling of electronic and magnetic properties in Fe1+y(Te1−xSex)”. Physical Review B 88, 094505 (2013)

13)   Z. K. Liu, R.-H. He, D. H. Lu, M. Yi, Y. L. Chen, M. Hashimoto, R. G. Moore, S.-K. Mo, J. Hu, T. J. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, T. P. Devereaux, Z. Hussain, and Z.-X. Shen. “Measurement of Coherent Polarons in the Strongly Coupled Antiferromagnetically Ordered Iron-Chalcogenide Fe1.02Te using Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy”. Physical Review Letters 110, 037003 (2013)

12)   X. Ke, B. Qian, H. Cao, J. Hu, G. C. Wang, and Z. Q. Mao. “Magnetic structure of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic TaFe1+yTe3”. Physical Review B 85, 214404 (2012)

11)   B. Qian, J. Lee, J. Hu, G. C. Wang, P. Kumar, M. H. Fang, T. J. Liu, D. Fobes, H. Pham, L. Spinu, X. S. Wu, M. Green, S. H. Lee, and Z. Q. Mao. “Ferromagnetism in CuFeSb: Evidence of competing magnetic interactions in iron-based superconductors”. Physical Review B 85, 144427 (2012)

10)  P. Silwal, L. Miao, I. Stern, X. Zhou, J. Hu, and D. H. Kim. “Metal insulator transition with ferrimagnetic order in epitaxial thin films of spinel NiCo2O4”. Applied Physics Letters 100, 032102 (2012)

9)   J. Hu, G.C. Wang, B. Qian, and Z.Q. Mao. “Inhomogeneous superconductivity induced by interstitial Fe deintercalation in oxidizing-agent-annealed and HNO3-treated Fe1+y(Te1-xSex)”. Invited paper, Superconductor Scientific and Technology 25, 084011 (2012)

8)   V. Thampy, J. Kang, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. Bao, A. T. Savici, J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z. Q. Mao, C. B. Fu, W. C. Chen, Q. Ye, R. W. Erwin, T. R. Gentile, Z. Tesanovic, and C. Broholm. “Friedel-like Oscillations from Interstitial Iron in Superconducting Fe1+yTe0.62Se0.38”. Physical Review Letters 108, 107002 (2012)

7)   K. Cho, H. Kim, M. A. Tanatar, J. Hu, B. Qian, Z. Q. Mao, and R. Prozorov. “Precision global measurements of London penetration depth in FeTe0.58Se0.42”. Physical Review B 84, 174502 (2011)

6)   J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, A. Rotaru, L. Spinu, and Z. Q. Mao. “Calorimetric evidence of strong-coupling multiband superconductivity in Fe(Te0.57Se0.43) single crystal”. Physical Review B 83, 134521 (2011)

5)   D. N. Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Akbari, I. Eremin, M. M. Korshunov, J. Hu, B. Qian, Z. Mao, Y. Qiu, C. Broholm, and W. Bao. “Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the FeTe0.6Se0.4 superconductor”. Physical Review B 81, 220503 (2010)

4)   T.J. Liu†, J. Hu†, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z.Q. Mao, W. Bao, M. Reehuis, S.A.J. Kimber, K. Prokes, S. Matas, D.N. Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Rotaru, H. Pham, L. Spinu, Y. Qiu, V. Thampy, A.T. Savici, J. A. Rodriguez, and C. Broholm. “From (π,0) magnetic order to superconductivity with (π,π) magnetic resonance in Fe1.02Te1-xSex”. Nature Materials 9, 718 (2010)

3)   H. Kim, C. Martin, R. T. Gordon, M. A. Tanatar, J. Hu, B. Qian, Z. Q. Mao, R. Hu, C. Petrovic, N. Salovich, R. Giannetta, and R. Prozorov. “London penetration depth and superfluid density of single-crystalline Fe1+y(Te1-xSex) and Fe1+y(Te1-xSx)”. Physical Review B 81, 180503 (2010)

2)   T. J. Liu, X. Ke, B. Qian, J. Hu, D. Fobes, E. K. Vehstedt, H. Pham, J. H. Yang, M. H. Fang, L. Spinu, P. Schiffer, Y. Liu, and Z. Q. Mao. “Charge-carrier localization induced by excess Fe in the superconductor Fe1+yTe1-xSex”. Physical Review B 80, 174509 (2009)

1)   Y. Qiu, W. Bao, Y. Zhao, C. Broholm, V. Stanev, Z. Tesanovic, Y. C. Gasparovic, S. Chang, J. Hu, B. Qian, M. Fang, and Z.Q. Mao. “Spin Gap and Resonance at the Nesting Wave Vector in Superconducting FeSe0.4Te0.6”. Physical Review Letters 103, 067008 (2009)