ZrSiY (Y = S, Se, Te)







Structural property summary

  • Single crystal form: silver color, metallic luster, square/rectangle facets
  • Structure type: layered, tetragonal, P4/nmm
  • Air sensitivity: ZrSiS is stable. However, compounds become increasingly unstable from ZrSiS to ZrSiSe and to ZrSiTe
  • Exfoliation capability: compounds become increasingly easy to exfoliate from ZrSiS to ZrSiSe and to ZrSiTe

Transport Properties

ZrSiS Resistivity- Temperature dependence

ZrSiSe Resistivity- Temperature dependence

Note: sample degrades over time, which affect the transport properties

ZrSiTe Resistivity- Temperature dependence

Note: sample degrades over time, which affect the transport properties

ZrSiS Magnetoresistance

ZrSiSe Magnetoresistance

Note: sample degrades over time, which affect the transport properties

ZrSiTe Magnetoresistance

Note: sample degrades over time, which affect the transport properties

Magnetic Properties

No magnetic order

Specific Heat


γ = 1 mJ/mol K2

β = 0.021 mJ/mol K4

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